You cannot be a blood donor if:
- you are HIV-positive or have AIDS;
- you are a carrier of the hepatitis B or hepatitis C virus;
- you have ever injected recreational drugs
Temporary restrictions for donation
If any of the following situations apply to you, you cannot donate temporarily. If you have one steady sexual partner*, if you’re uncertain about any risk factors, and if you wish to discuss, please call Sanquin Blood Bank at 088-730 86 86.
You may not donate blood or plasma for four months after:
- sex with someone who is HIV-positive or has AIDS;
- sex with someone from a region where AIDS is prevalent, such as Sub-Saharan Africa and the Cape Verde Islands*;
- sex with someone who has ever injected drugs*;
- sex with someone who has a sexually transmitted disease or hepatitis (jaundice, liver inflammation);
- sex in exchange for money or drugs;
- sex that you paid for;
- contact with someone else’s blood, for example, through an injury with a used needle or a blood-contaminated sharp object;
- sex with multiple sexual partners, including at least one partner with whom you’ve engaged in anal sexual contact;
- anal sexual contact with a new sexual partner**;
- snorting cocaine.
* If this is your steady partner, please consult a donor assistant or doctor at the blood bank, or call 088-730 86 86.
** Also in the case of resuming sexual contact after previously ending a relationship.