Hepatitis A; have you ever had jaundice? ?

If you ever had Hepatitis A (jaundice) and you recovered from it, please contact the Blood Bank (088-730 8686). We would like to test the amount of antibodies against it present in your blood. If the levels are high enough, we will ask you to donate plasma. The antibodies in the plasma can be used to make medicines for people with reduced immunity against contagious diseases, for example because they have leukemia. Even if you do not want to become a plasma donor, but do want to participate in the test, we would appreciate it if you contacted us.

Recently had jaundice (Hepatitis A)? Then you may not donate any blood or plasma for 3 months.

Contact with patient: If you have had close contact with a patient with Hepatitis A, you may donate blood again 3 months after the last contact (close contact means people sharing the same cutlery, shaving razor or toilet). It does not matter if you have been vaccinated against Hepatitis A or not.

Vaccination: If you have had a Hepatitis A vaccination before travelling you can donate blood. If you have been vaccinated because you were at risk of contracting Hepatitis A, you may donate 3 months after the vaccination.