Frequently Asked Questions

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  • Cocaine?

    You may give blood 4 months after snorting cocaine. This means you can not donate blood if you use cocaine once per four months or more often. If you have ever injected any kind of recreational drug, you cannot be a blood donor (any more) due to the risk of bloodborne infectious diseases. You cannot be a blood donor (any more) if you are addicted.

  • Ulcerative Colitis?

    You may donate blood if you do not have any severe symptoms or disease activity; some medications may be a contraindication for blood donation.

    If you have severe symptoms or disease activity, you may (temporarily) not give blood.

    Note: You may not donate blood for 4 months following an endoscopy, regardless of the results of the investigation.

  • Conization?

    Conization is performed to remove a precursor of cervical cancer. Please contact the Blood Bank at 088-730 8686.

  • Contrast medium?

    Please contact the Blood Bank at 088-730 8686.

  • Creutzfeldt-Jakob (CJD/vCJD)?

    If you, your parents, grandparents, children and/or grandchildren have/has been diagnosed with Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, please contact the Blood Bank (088-730 8686). 

  • Crohn’s Disease?

    You may donate blood if you do not have any severe symptoms or disease activity; some medications may be a contraindication for blood donation. Please contact the Blood Bank about this.

    If you have severe symptoms or disease activity, you may (temporarily) not give blood.

    Note: You may not donate blood for 4 months following an endoscopy, regardless of the results of the investigation.

  • Curettage?

    This may be a problem, depending on the reason for curettage.

    The intervention itself is not a problem, so long as you feel well. Wait for 6 months to donate blood after pregnancy (termination).

    You may not donate blood in case of cancer. Please contact the Blood Bank at 088-730 8686.

  • Dengue fever?

    Dengue fever is transmitted by mosquitoes.

    Symptoms include: fever, bleeding and severe joint and muscle pain. The infection may also go unnoticed.

    If you have had Dengue, you may donate blood 4 weeks after you have recovered.

    If you have visited an area where Dengue is common, you may donate blood 4 weeks after leaving the area.

    Have you been abroad since your last donation? Take the donor test to check when you can give blood again.

  • Angioplasty?

    You may not donate blood. Please contact the Blood Bank at 088-730 8686

  • Drugs?

    You may not donate blood if you are addicted or if addiction is suspected due to a risk of bloodborne infectious diseases.

    You may not be a blood donor if you have ever used injection drugs. Even if it was only once and/or a long time ago.

    You may only give blood 4 months after snorting cocaine. This means you can not donate blood if you use cocaine once per four months or more often.

    You may not give blood if you are under the influence of any other drugs.