Frequently Asked Questions

You can also search by keyword for more information about a topic, medication or illness.
  • Leprosy?

    You may not donate blood (any more). Please contact the Blood Bank (088-730 8686).

  • Liver disease?

    Please contact the Blood Bank at 088-730 8686.

  • Lung emphysema?

    Acute: you may donate blood if you have been symptom-free for at least 2 weeks and have not used antibiotics for at least 2 weeks.

    Chronic: (COPD) you may donate blood if your general physical condition is good. If your condition worsens temporarily and/or you develop a respiratory tract infection, you may not donate blood until you are symptom-free for at least 2 weeks. If you have been prescribed antibiotics, you need to wait for 2 weeks after taking the last tablet before giving blood. If you used corticosteroids in tablet form (such as prednisolone), you need to wait for 1 week after taking the last tablet.

    If you are always severely short of breath or very regularly have (respiratory) infections, you cannot be a blood donor (any more). Please contact the Blood Bank at 088-730 8686 in this case. 

  • Gastrointestinal bleed?

    Please contact the Blood Bank at 088-730 8686.

  • Acid reflux?

    You may donate blood. If you have had a stomach exam (gastroscopy), you may only donate blood again 4 months after the exam, even if the results were normal.

  • Stomach ulcer?

    You may donate blood once you have fully recovered, and have not used antibiotics for at least 2 weeks.

    If you have had a stomach exam (gastroscopy), you may not donate blood for 4 months.

    Antacids are not a problem.

  • Make up, permanent make-up and semi-permanent make-up?

    You may donate blood 4 months after having permanent or semi-permanent make-up applied.

  • Medicine (Medication)?

    You can donate blood while using most medication, but there are a few exceptions. Usually it is not the medication, but rather the condition that the medication is given for that is a problem for donation. Also look up the reason for use in this keyword list.

    Always take (the names of) the medication you use along to the Blood Bank.

    If in doubt, please contact the Blood Bank (088-730 8686).

  • Multiple sclerosis?

    You may not donate blood (any more). Please contact the Blood Bank at 088-730 8686.

  • I have Myasthenia gravis. Can I donate blood or plasma?

    If you have myasthenia gravis, it depends on the symptoms you experience from the disease whether or not you can donate blood or plasma. The medicines you may need could also be relevant. Please contact the Blood Bank (088-730 8686) to discuss whether you can donate with your complaints and possible treatment