Frequently Asked Questions

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  • Kidney diseases?

    If you have kidney stones, you may donate blood if you are symptom-free.
    For all other kidney diseases, please contact the Blood Bank (088-730 8686).

  • Laser eye surgery?

    You may donate blood if this is done to replace eyeglasses or contact lenses.
    If this is for retinal detachment, please contact the Blood Bank (088-730 8686).

  • Eye infection?

    Please contact the Blood Bank at 088-730 8686.

  • Earlobe perforation (pierced ears)?

    You may donate blood if this was performed using sterile disposable equipment by a qualified professional. If it is unclear whether these conditions were met, you may donate blood again after 4 months.

  • Tinnitus?

    This may be a problem, depending on the cause. Please contact the Blood Bank about this (088-730 8686).

  • Leg ulcer?

    Please contact the Blood Bank at 088-730 8686.

  • Ozone therapy?

    You may donate blood 4 months after the treatment.

  • Pacemaker?

    You may not donate blood (any more). Please contact the Blood Bank at 088-730 8686.

  • Piercing?

    You may donate blood 4 months after the procedure.

  • Chest pain?

    If you have ever been diagnosed with chest pain due to lack of oxygen to your heart, you may not give blood or plasma (any more). Donating blood may be associated with health risks in this case, even if you do not have any symptoms any more. For other causes of chest pain: consult the donation doctor before donating blood. Please contact the Blood Bank about this at 088-730 8686.