Frequently Asked Questions

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  • Polyp?

    You may donate blood if there are no signs of cancer.

    Note: You may not donate blood for 4 months following an endoscopy (a procedure with a camera on a tube), regardless of the results of the investigation."

  • Irritable bowel?

    You may donate blood if you are symptom-free. You may not donate blood for 4 months following a colonoscopy.

  • Prostatitis (infectious)?

    Please contact the Blood Bank at 088-730 8686.

  • Enlarged prostate (benign prostate hypertrophy?

    You may donate blood. You may not donate blood for 4 months following an endoscopy (a procedure with a camera on a tube). An elevated PSA is not a problem for blood donation, so long as there are no signs of cancer.

  • Prostitution?

    You may donate as long as it has been 4 months or more since you last received money or drugs for sex. If you paid someone for sex these four months since the last paid contact also apply.

  • Psoriasis?

    You may donate blood if there is no inflammation and there are no abnormalities 2 cm around the puncture site.

    Medication may be a problem for blood donation, e.g. acitretine (Neotigasone), methotrexate and other medication that suppresses the immune system; please contact the Blood Bank about this (088-730 8686).

  • Radioactive material?

    Please contact the Blood Bank at 088-730 8686.

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis?

    Please contact the Blood Bank at 088-730 8686.

  • STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections)?

    If you have been at risk for contracting a sexually transmitted infection, we will ask you to stop giving blood temporarily or permanently.

    Important: please contact the Blood Bank at 088-730 8686 as soon as possible.

    Also contact us if you discover you were previously at risk of an STI (e.g.a warning from an ex-partner).

  • Sarcoidosis?

    You may not donate blood (any more). Please contact the Blood Bank at 088-730 8686.