Frequently Asked Questions

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  • Sexual contact?

    Sanquin Blood Supply tests all donor blood for HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Syphilis, and HTLV (see individual keywords for more about these diseases). Sanquin does not test for all infectious diseases. The tests performed are also not 100% reliable immediately after exposure to an infection. This can take a while. Therefore, risks of infectious diseases and thus also of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are evaluated during screening.The tests for bloodborne infections are not a 100% reliable in the first months after infection.

    If you have been exposed to a risk of sexually transmitted infections, we will ask you to stop giving blood temporarily or permanently.

    Important: please contact the Blood Bank at 088-730 8686 as soon as possible.
    Also contact us if you discover you were previously at risk of an STI (e.g. a warning from an ex-partner) on 088-730 8686. 

  • Spastic colon?

    You may donate blood if you are symptom-free. You may not donate blood for 4 months following a colon investigation (colonoscopy).

  • Stoma?

    This may be a problem, depending on the cause. Please contact the Blood Bank (088-730 8686).

  • Diabetes Mellitus?

    You may donate blood as long as your glucose levels are well regulated using diets or tablets. If you use injected medication, please contact the Blood Bank (088-730 8686). If you develop any complications of diabetes, such as nerve damage (nerve pain), numb fingers or toes, eye or kidney problems, or you need to use insulin, donating blood may represent a risk to you and is no longer allowed; please contact the Blood Bank if this is the case (088-730 8686).

  • Syphilis?

    Please contact the Blood Bank at 0088-730 8686.

  • TIA?

    Please contact the Blood Bank at 088-730 8686.

  • Gingivitis?

    This may be a reason to postpone donation. Please contact the Blood Bank at 088-730 8686

  • Tattoo?

    You may donate blood 4 months after getting a tattoo (or getting one touched up). Tattoo removal via surgery or laser treatment is not a problem if the wound has healed.

  • Transplantation?

    Please contact the Blood Bank at 088-730 8686.

  • Vaginal trichomoniasis?

    Please contact the Blood Bank at 088-730 8686.