Elias Njima

Van 12 november 2019 tot en met 10 januari 2020 wordt er in Galerie Joghem werk getoond van Elias Njima. De expositie wordt op vrijdag 15 november 2019 om 17.00 uur door Elias zelf geopend en wordt muzikaal begeleid door trompettist Jack Bushnell.

About Elias Njima

Before the world had eyes it was simply smiling. Its smile, however, was internal and no one knew what it meant. But in the blink of an eye this smile transformed into a grin, a grimace, a guise behind which the world could hide. The paintings, silk screens and drawings of Elias Njima form the stage for this returning central figure: a subject that has turned its gaze inward; a mocking face, an impenetrable surface. If the portrait was the first painterly gesture, why, Njima askes, do we paint? Njima traces portraiture back to a three-thousand-year old South African pitted pebble or the chalky outlines of a love story from ancient Rome. Imagination turns out not to be a creative act of desire, but a claustrophobic tendency to project familiarity on everything strange and unknown. In result, the face becomes a pre-linguistic sign in which we hope to recover that very moment before we ourselves had eyes.
– Jasper Coppes